MBA Degree Online Program Overview: The MBA is designed to provide students with a range of analytical, strategic, cross-cultural and leadership skills, and is taught using a variety of learning and assessment strategies. The program offers a grounding in fundamental business areas such as accounting, finance, human resource management and industrial relations, economics, marketing, law and management. Analytic and problem solving skills are emphasised through an understanding of the theoretical framework within which today's managers must operate as well as the acquisition of practical skills in economics, quantitative methods, information management and strategic planning. The ability to cope with rapid organisational and technological change is developed through an understanding of organisational behaviour, information systems and organisational change and development.
Study Mode: Full Time, Part Time, Distance,
Program Locations: Distance Education
Fees Australian: AUD$14,400
Fees International: AUD$18,000
MBA Degree Online Program Specialisations: Accounting, Agribusiness management, Association management, Business administration, Business law, Education management, Human resource management, Information technology management, International business, Local government, Marketing, Project management, Public sector management
Total Units: 12 Units
MBA Degree Online Core Units: the number of core and elective or chosen units will depend on the major specialisation.
Completion Time Comments: 1 years or 3 semesters for full-time, 2 years or 6 semesters for part-time
Entry Requirements: Applicants for admission to candidature for the Master of Business Administration must have:
- completed a three-year degree or an equivalent qualification at UNE or another recognised tertiary institution; or
- completed the Graduate Diploma in Management; or
- demonstrated academic or professional standing considered by the Faculty of Economics, Business and Law to be equivalent to the requirements of the proceeding two points.
In addition, applicants are required to provide evidence of at least three years relevant work experience in a field of employment approved by the Director of the MBA Program.
Commencement Dates: January, May, August trimesters
Application Deadline: November, March, July for the following trimester.
Contact Address: The University of New England
Armidale NSW 2351
Phone: +61 2 6773 3333
Fax: +61 2 6773 3122
Email : mailto:admissions@une.edu.au
Source: http://www.mbaonline.com.au/programs/une/
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